Scientific and resource library

Explore our curated library of materials to support and extend the EpiFundamentals content. Access latest research insights and download helpful assets to support your understanding of epithelial science. Remember to check back as the library will be updated regularly


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Download this slide deck presented at ERS 2023 and developed in collaboration with Professor Marco Caminati, exploring the similarities and differences between bronchial and nasal epithelium.

Access this slide deck presented at ERS 2023 and developed in collaboration with Professor Celeste Porsbjerg, discussing the role of the epithelium as a critical immune-functioning organ.

Download this slide deck presented at ERS 2023 and developed in collaboration with Professor Del Dorscheid, exploring the role of the epithelium from pathogenesis to the clinic and the use of biomarkers.

Explore this slide deck presented at ERS 2023 and developed in collaboration with Professor Pascal Chanez summarising the role of epithelial cytokines in asthma control and remission.

Watch Professor Del Dorscheid discuss the role of the epithelium and epithelial cytokines in asthma, the key epithelial biomarkers in severe asthma and their clinical evaluations.

Explore this interactive PDF, developed in collaboration with Professor Del Dorscheid, to learn more about the role of the epithelium and epithelial cytokines, key biomarkers in severe asthma, their clinical evaluations and the pathological mechanisms that drive severe asthma.

An overview of the inflammatory pathways and cellular mechanisms that drive asthma and its symptoms

Slide deck describing the roles of airway inflammation, airway remodelling and structural changes in airway hyperresponsiveness

Explore this interactive pdf, co-created by Professor Ian Pavord and Assistant Professor Simon Couillard, to learn more about various milestones in asthma research and management throughout history to the present day

Watch Professor Ian Pavord and Assistant Professor Simon Couillard discuss various key milestones in asthma research and management throughout history to the present day

Listen to Dr Del Dorscheid and Professor Andrew Menzies-Gow discuss the importance of the epithelium in severe asthma, differences between the epithelial cytokines, and the importance of preventing airway remodelling

Listen to Drs Andréanne Côté, Jonathan Corren, Del Dorscheid and Professor Andrew Menzies-Gow discuss the clinical challenges of using inflammatory biomarkers to assess patients with severe asthma

Learn more about the histological features of airway remodelling in asthma and their associations with epithelial cytokines

Explore this slide content to learn more about the benefits, limitations and clinical correlates of imaging techniques available for the assessment of airway remodelling in asthma

Explore this slide content to learn more about the different testing methods for airway hyperresponsiveness

Infographic summarising the important roles IL-25, IL-33, TSLP and mast cells play in allergic T2 and beyond T2 pathways

Slide deck describing the roles of airway inflammation, airway remodelling and structural changes in airway hyperresponsiveness

Need an overview of EpiCentral's key educational content? Download this slide deck to explore highlights of the 'EpiFundamentals' modules and learn more about the central role of the epithelium


Watch Professor Celeste Porsbjerg and Professor Louis-Philippe Boulet discuss the role of epithelial cytokines in immune response and in the two key hallmarks of asthma, airway inflammation and airway hyperresponsiveness; they also explore the role of cytokines on the clinical features of asthma

Slide content from Professor Celeste Porsbjerg and Professor Louis-Philippe Boulet's expert video discussing the role of epithelial cytokines in immune response and in the two key hallmarks of asthma, airway inflammation and airway hyperresponsiveness; they also explore the role of cytokines on the clinical features of asthma

Watch this video to learn more about the inflammatory cascade that drives asthma pathogenesis and explore how epithelial cytokines initiate inflammation through their effects on various immune cells

Watch this video to learn more about the role of epithelial cytokines in asthma and their role in driving disease pathogenesis

Watch this video to learn more about the pathological changes that occur in the airways of people with asthma and how this manifests as clinical symptoms

Watch this video to learn more about how TSLP interacts with mast cells in asthma, contributing to airway hyperresponsiveness

Watch this video to learn more about damage to the airway epithelium in asthma and the central role of epithelial cytokines in driving inflammatory responses

Download this slide deck to access 3D image stills of the asthma mechanisms of disease video and learn more about the central role of the epithelium in disease pathogenesis

Watch this video to explore the key pathological mechanisms that underpin asthma, and the central role of the airway epithelium and epithelial cytokines in driving disease

Watch this video to see Professor Ian Pavord present a patient case study of allergic asthma with allergic triggers, and learn more about how epithelial cytokines are involved in driving this type of asthma

Watch Professor Christopher Brightling discuss the role of epithelial cytokines in the various inflammatory pathways that underpin asthma and its different phenotypes

Explore this slide content to learn more about epithelial cytokines in the context of the clinical features of asthma, including the impact on everyday clinical practice and patient care

Download this one-page summary infographic detailing the substantial clinical and economic burden associated with severe asthma, despite available treatments

Download this one-page summary schematic detailing the three key inflammatory pathways that underpin asthma pathogenesis

Download this one-page summary infographic to learn more about the consequences of sub-optimal disease control in severe asthma

Explore this slide content to learn more about the healthcare burden of severe asthma and unmet need that exists for patients

Download this one-page summary infographic to learn more about the central role of the airway epithelium in inflammation and asthma

Download this one-page summary infographic to learn more about the complexity of severe asthma, specifically the concurrent overlapping inflammatory pathways that may present in patients with asthma

Download this one-page summary infographic to explore the sources, targets and effects of the three key epithelial cytokines involved in asthma disease pathogenesis

Explore this slide content to learn more about the central role of the airway epithelium in asthma and how external triggers initiate the inflammatory mechanisms that underpin the disease